Wetland Unconsciousness
SW Alaska

Rolling Green
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

The West
Yellowstone National Park

Second Place Scenic - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Xi Sigma Pi Photo Contest 2006

The Volcanoes
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

Foggy Pine Mountain
Hatcher Pass, Alaska

Badlands National Park, South Dakota

West Yellowstone

Kwethluk River Valley
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

Talus Slope
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

Knik Arm
Cook Inlet, Alaska

I say Alaska is Big Sky Country.
Yukon Delta NWR

Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

The Askinuks
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

Shadows in the River Valley
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska